Civil Registrations of Death (MORTALITY) Dataset

Civil Registrations of Death (MORTALITY) Dataset#

# define target dataset to document
schema = 'nhsd'
table = 'MORTALITY'
version = 'v0002'
# import functions from script helper
import sys
script_fp = "../../../../scripts/"
sys.path.insert(0, script_fp)
from data_doc_helper import DocHelper
# create instance
document = DocHelper(schema, table, version, script_fp)
# markdown/code hybrid cell module requirement
from IPython.display import display, Markdown

1. Summary#

Dataset descriptor Dataset-specific information
Name of dataset in TRE MORTALITY
Other name None
Keywords Deaths
Short description Dataset comprises all deaths in England and Wales since 1993 and is collected by the Office for National Statistics. It is a legal requirement to report a death to a register office within five days. The informant provides demographic details about the deceased. The informant usually also gives the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) to the registrar, which is a form completed by a medical practitioner when a death is certified. The MCCD includes information such as whether the body was seen after death, cause of death, when the deceased was last seen alive and whether a post-mortem was carried out. In instances where deaths are referred to and sometimes then investigated by a coroner, the coroner sends information to the registrar and this is used instead of the MCCD. A record represents one death registration.
Owner Office for National Statistics
Geographical coverage England and Wales
Temporal coverage 01/01/1993 onwards
TRE temporal coverage 01/01/1993 onwards
Frequency of update Quarterly
Date of last extract None
DOI None
Data resolution Death registration
Number of variables None
Number of participants None
Number of observations None
Version None
Key link
Specific restrictions to data use None

2. Metrics#

The tables below summarise the MORTALITY dataset in the UK LLC TRE.

Table 1 The number of participants from each LPS that are represented in the MORTALITY dataset in the UK LLC TRE
(Note: numbers relate to the most recent extract of NHS England data)

LPS Participant count
BCS70 122
BIB 235
ELSA 870
EPICN 3618
GLAD 549
MCS 351
NCDS58 469
NSHD46 990
TEDS <10
TOTAL 9914

3. Helpful syntax#

Below we will include syntax that may be helpful to other researchers in the UK LLC TRE. For longer scripts, we will include a snippet of the code plus a link to Git where you can find the full script.