Contribute to UK LLC Guidebook#
Last modified: 30 Oct 2024
We welcome all contributions to UK LLC Guidebook.
As detailed in the flow diagram there are several steps that contributors must follow. You will need to have Git installed on your computer and you need to be familiar with Git ways of working - see the Using Git guide and GitHub Docs for further details.
Figure 1 How to contribute to UK LLC Guidebook using Git
We suggest you read the summary below and then, if need be, follow the more detailed instructions on the GitHub Docs Contributing to a project guide. Below we include some details not specifically covered in the GitHub Docs guide.
Go to the UK LLC Guidebook repo: and fork the repository. The repo will be created in your own account.
Use GitBash to clone the repository into a local folder of your choice (we recommend the HTTPS method) - click on the green Code button. You need to type ‘git clone’ into GitBash followed by the https path.
Go to your forked repo and create a branch, giving it a meaningful name. To switch to the branch you need to type ‘git branch’ into GitBash followed by the branch name [Enter] and then type ‘git checkout’ followed by the branch name [Enter].
Make changes to a guide(s) using e.g. MS Visual Studio Code.
If you make many changes to a guide(s) it is a good idea to build a local version of Guidebook in an Anaconda test environment. You need to install Anaconda and then open Anaconda Prompt where you will see your base environment. Enter cd followed by the file path to your Guidebook. Type conda create –name jupbook [Enter]; press y when asked if you want to proceed; type conda activate jupbook [Enter]; type conda install pip [Enter]; press y when asked if you want to proceed; type pip install jupyter-book [Enter]; type pip install pandas [Enter]. You are then ready to build a local version of Guidebook. Open Anaconda Prompt and type cd followed by the file path to your Guidebook; type conda activate jupbook; type jb build ukllc_book. Then click on the index.html file which is in the html folder within the _build folder. Guidebook will open in your browser.
When you’re happy with the changes you’ve made you then prepare to submit a pull request to UK LLC. Type ‘git add .’ in GitBash [Enter] and then type ‘git commit -m ” ” (add a short description of the change between ” “). Then type ‘git push’. If the push doesn’t work and there is a message saying the current branch has no upstream branch, copy the suggested text (git push –set-upstream origin ‘File name’) and [Enter].
Go to your forked repo and submit a pull request. Click on ‘Contribute’ and then submit your request.
Your request will be reviewed by UK LLC and you will be notified by email of the outcome.